Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Interview With Mrs. Raisdana

The 3 questions that I will answer is question:

Number 2, If you could re-do any part of your project so far, what would you change and why?

Number 5, Was this topic easier or harder than you expected it to be when you chose it? Explain why.

Number 6, What challenges or difficulties did you face during the Knowledge, Comprehension and Application parts of the unit? (This needs three separate answers for each part).

I wanted to choose number 2 is because the question is easier and because there are many things that I wanted to change if I can redo it. I wanted to choose number 5 is because the answer is base on our own feeling about the topic that I chose. I wanted to choose number 6 is because it was almost same as number 5, it was base on our feeling on the challenges and the difficulties in the project.

The thing that I will do to prepare for the interview with Mrs. Raisdana is, I will understand the question first so it will be more easier, then answer slowly one by one so we can improve it if there are something wrong, then check again the words and the answer, and last is to memorize the answer and try to talk clearly.

I think it will be good if I can memorize and talk clearly but it will be not good if I didn't prepare, because it was criterion A it was speaking and understand the question, so it need to understand the question really good, so without memorizing we can simply answer very clearly and if I didn't prepare maybe I will do it not really good.

Here is my interview with Mrs. Raisdana:

I already prepare for the interview before I do it, but I didn't prepare a lot. The thing that I prepare is to answer the question as specific as possible, recheck the answer and change the words, and at last I memorize the answer by memorizing the sentence. I think on this project I did well, the thing that I did well is I can memorize the answer that I write really well. But, the thing that I didn't really do well is when I'm talking when the teacher interviewing me, sometimes when I talk, the voice is low and sometimes will be stuck.

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